Stop prioritizes security and data privacy, which is why we're open and transparent in how we do things.
Our commitment to transparency is not just a promise; it's a fundamental part of how we operate. Safeguarding your data is our top priority. We understand the level of trust required when connecting your email, and we're proud to be open and transparent about every aspect of our app.
When it comes to permissions, we only ask for what we absolutely need to ensure our platform runs smoothly. Let us break down what we require to hook up your email:
We never access or store the content of your emails in any form. Let us repeat that: We never ever access or store any of the content of your emails in any form whatsoever. Your emails are yours forever and always and that is our number one priority.
Stop uses your email headers (nerd speak for how email servers communicate a message back and forth) to determine who the email is from and how it was sent. From that information, we're able to determine if the email should be marked as spam.
We want you to feel confident that your data is in safe hands. If you have any questions or concerns, don't hesitate to reach out. Together, we can stop bad sales emails.
Plain Sight Ventures
Absolutely. We built Stop to solve a problem in our day-to-day lives and we just wanted to share it with the world. Ridding the world of bad sales emails benefits everyone, and we want you to join our mission.